Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines, Inc.
ARTICLE I – Name and Domicile
Section 1 – The Association shall be known as the Mathematics Teachers Association of the
Philippines, Inc. – Iloilo Chapter (MTAP-IC) or referred to as MTAP-IC.
Section 2 – The office of the Association shall be located at the place/office/institution of the incumbent president or at such other places that the Board of Directors may designate.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Section 1 – Admission of Members. Any mathematics teacher seeking admission into the Association must be proposed/vouched by any member in good standing and this proposal should appear in his/her application form to be forwarded to the office of the Association.
The President has the power to accept new members subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Membership will be effective after paying a membership fee to the Treasurer which will be dated back to January 1 of that year.
Section 2 – Duties and Responsibilities of the Members. The member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. To comply with the by-laws, rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the Association from time to time;
b. To attend all the meetings of the Association that require their attendance; and
c. To pay membership dues and other assessment of the Association.
Section 3 – Rights and Privileges of the Members. Members who paid their annual dues shall have the following rights and privileges:
a. To exercise the right to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the Association;
b. To be elected or appointed to any position of the Association;
c. To participate in all the deliberations in the meetings of the Association;
d. To avail of the facilities of the Association;
e. To examine all the records or books of the Association during business hours; and
f. To participate in the meetings, workshops and conferences organized and sponsored by the Association.
Section 4 – Membership Dues. The annual dues of he members of the Association shall be determined and fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors with the approval of the majority of the members.
Section 5 – Resignations. Any member may resign from the Association by notifying the Secretary. There shall be no reimbursement of dues under these circumstances.
Article III – Board of Directors
Section 1 – Members. The Board of Directors shall consist of fifteen (15) members to be elected at large by a secret ballot by the members of the Association during the General Assembly. Upon assumption to office, the Directors shall elect from among themselves by secret ballot a President, a Vice President, a Secretary (preferably that he/she belongs to the same institution with the President), a Treasurer, and an Auditor. The term of office of the officers will be two (2) years for those who got the top 8 rank during the election and one (1) year for those who obtained the ranks of 9-15.
Section 2 – Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall serve as the Governing Body of the Association. It shall have the power to:
a. Establish policies and actions which promote the welfare of the Association;
b. Formulate necessary rules and procedures;
c. Prepare plans and programs for the Association;
d. Fix the time and place of meetings of the Association; and
e. Discharge such other responsibilities as it may deem necessary.
Section 3 – Term of Office. Members of the Board of Directors shall serve a term of 2 years for those who got a top 8 rank during the election at large and one (1) year for those who got the ranks of 9-15. Any member of the Board may be reelected for another term.
Section 4 – Vacancies. If any vacancy shall occur among the Directors by reason of death, resignation or for any other reason, such vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors constituting a quorum. The Director chosen shall serve only for the unexpired term of the position to which he/she is elected.
Any member of the Board of Directors who incurred four (4) successive absences both in regular and special meetings of the Association without justifiable reasons will be subjected for expulsion. The remaining members of the Board of Directors are authorized to appoint or designate from among the members to replace the expelled member of the Board.
Section 5 – Quorum and Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once every two months. Meeting shall be held at the call of the President or on a written petition signed by at least three members of the Board. Eight members shall constitute a quorum.
Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President. Notices of any such meeting must be given at least five (5) days in advance of the date of the meeting.
Minutes of all meetings of Board shall be kept and carefully preserved as a record of the business transacted at such meetings and must contain such entries as are required by law.
Section 6 – Powers of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall exercise the powers of the Association, conducts its management, administer its properties, and exercise such power as are herein conferred by this by-laws. At the annual meeting, the Board shall approve the new members accepted by the President.
ARTICLE IV – Executive Officers
Section 1 – Executive Officers. The Executive Officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and an Auditor, all of whom are members of the Board of Directors.
Section 2 – Election and Vacancy. The executive officer shall be elected by the Board of Directors at their first meeting after their election. Every officer including the President shall be subjected to removal at any time by majority of all the Board of Directors, but all officers, unless removed, shall hold office until their successors are appointed or elected and qualified. If vacancy shall occur among the officers of the Association, such vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors constituting a quorum at a special meeting called for the purpose, provided, such officers elected shall serve only the unexpired term of their predecessors.
Section 3 – The President. The President shall be the Chief Executive of the Association. He/she shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the members, and enforce the by-laws;
b. Exercise general supervision of the business affairs and property of he Association;
c. Appoint and dissolve all committees for the Association and be a member ex-officio of all committees;
d. Countersign all orders drawn and signed by the Treasurer for the payment of money, and countersign all checks drawn and signed by the Treasurer;
e. Call special meetings of the Board of Directors and members when necessary;
f. Make an annual report to the Board of Directors and to the members; and
g. Perform such duties as may be imposed on him/her by the Board of Directors.
Section 4 – The Vice President. The Vice President shall preside in the absence or inability of the President and shall execute all the duties of the President whenever the latter may delegate that authority. He/she shall perform such duties as may be imposed on him/her by the Board of Directors.
Section 5 – The Secretary. The Secretary shall:
a. Keep a record of all proceedings, such as minutes of meetings and activities of the Association/ Board of Directors in a book or books kept for the purpose. This record shall be open at all times to the Board of Directors;
b. Keep a true and accurate record of the name, addresses, and offices of the members;
c. Shall take charge of the reports, records, documents and the papers as the Board may direct;
d. Shall perform such other duties as are incidental to his/her office or are properly required by the Board of Directors and by the President;
e. Shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices; and
f. Shall assist the President in the execution of his/her duties.
Section 6 – The Treasurer. In addition to whatever duties the Board of Directors may impose, the Treasurer shall:
a. Collect and receive all moneys due the Association from any source whatever and accurately the same;
b. Keep and record of the indebtedness of each member of the Association and the amount receive from each on forms provided for that purposes;
c. Deposit in the name of the Association, in an approved bank, all moneys received and report at each meeting the moneys received and spent since the last meeting. All bank deposits withdrawals should be properly certified and presented to the President.
d. Keep an account record of all financial business transacted by the Association. These records shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall pay by check all bills and obligations of the Association on order of the President.
Section7 – The Auditor. The Auditor shall:
a. Audit all receipts of disbursements and expenditures of the Treasurer;
b. Inspect the book of accounts of the Treasurer;
c. Countersign financial reports and records of the Treasurer; and
d. Perform such other duties assigned to him/her by the President.
ARTICLE V – Adviser
Section 1 – There shall be advisers of the governing body. The adviser shall be composed of the incumbent math supervisors of the Divisions of Iloilo, Iloilo City, and Passi City, the immediate MTAP-IC past President, or whoever the Board of Directors may designate.
ARTICLE V1 – The Election Committee
Section 1 – There shall be a Committee on Election to conduct the Election of Officers. The members of the Board of Directors are authorized to appoint three (3) members to compose the Committee. The duties and functions of the Committee will be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE VI1 – Members’ Meeting
Section 1 – There shall be annual meeting for all members of the Association called by the President on the day and at the time approved by the Board of Directors. At this meeting, the annual report of the President should be made. This report should cover in general the entire work of the Association for the past year.
Section 2 – At the annual meeting, a program should be presented in keeping with the purpose of the Association.
Section 3 – Special meetings may be called by the President according to need.
Section 4 – Notice of the time and place of the annual or special meetings of the members, shall be given in the same manner as provided with regard to the Board of Directors.
Section 5 – A quorum at any meeting of the members shall consist of a majority of the members and a majority of such quorum shall decide to any question at the meetings, except in those matters when the law requires the affirmative vote of a greater proportion.
Section 6 – At every meeting of the members of the Association, every member is entitled to one vote only.
Section 7 – Minutes of all meetings of the members shall be kept and carefully preserved as a record of the business transacted.
ARTICLE VII1 – Investments and Accounts
Section 1 – No investment of any character shall be made without the approval of the Board of Directors and/or the members as the case may be.
Section 2 – All books, accounts, and records of the Association shall be open to inspection by any member of the Board of Directors at all times and to the members at the reasonable time during office hours.
Section 3 – No director or member shall be entitled to or benefited by any of the profits of the Association except as a reasonable compensation for services rendered.
ARTICLE IX – Fiscal Year
Section 1 – The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of January in each year and shall end on the last day of December of that year.
ARTICLE X – Annual Fee
Section 1 – The annual fee of the members shall be two hundred pesos (P200.00) subject to the changes determined by the Board of Directors. Failure to pay for the annual fee for the year shall result in being dropped from membership in the Association.
ARTICLE X1 – Amendment of By-Laws
Section 1 – These By-Laws or any part thereof may be amended or repealed by a majority of all the members at any meeting called for that purpose. The power to amend, repeal or adopt new by-laws may be delegated to the Board of Directors for consideration and deliberations.