Monday, November 12, 2012

The MTAP – IC Research Journal Submission Guidelines

Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines
Iloilo Chapter
c/o Dr. Alona M. Belarga
West Visayas State University
La Paz, Iloilo City

1.   The MTAP-IC Research Journal welcomes articles detailing qualitative and/or quantitative research on mathematics education, expositions on applications of mathematics education to various fields of endeavor, review of educational resources (print, multi-media, and so on), and reflections on teaching and learning mathematics.

2.   Manuscripts presented to MTAP – IC Research Journal should be double-spaced all throughout, left-justified, with 1 inch margin on every side, and printed using Arial 11 points on “8 1/2x11” bond paper. The MTAP – IC Research Journal generally adheres to the specifications of the fifth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001).

3.   Every research article must have all the following four major parts: (1) Title Page, (2) Abstract, (3) Body of the Report, and (4) References. Each part begins on a new page. Total number of pages must not exceed to 15 pages.

4.   The one-page Title Page contains the following:

The title of the articles in 12 words, mentioning the major variables or concepts of the research, centered on the line;

The author(s) and affiliation(s), centered on the line.

5.   The one-page Abstract, to contain 120 words in a single unindented paragraph, must mention the research problem, sample, method, findings, and conclusion (or even implication).

Three to ten key words that reflect the content of the manuscript should be provided.

6.   The Body of the Report, which starts as page 3, should have all the following four sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Method, (3) Results, and (4) Discussion. The entire text of the Body of the Report is written out continuously from the beginning to end, double-spaced, with only the respective section titles, centered on the line and serving as center heads, marking and transitions.

          The Introduction section states the researcher’s   objective/s, scope,
significance, and hypothesis. It also summarizes the literature and related studies. There is no need to place the word Introduction.

The Method section is brief but as detailed as to allow for independent replication of the entire research. It has three subsections which also serve as side-heads: (1) Participants or Source of Data, (2) Materials or Instruments, (3) Procedure for Data Collection and Analysis. These three subsections should be indicated for each variable in the study, and, further, for each phase of a multiple – phase research.

The Results section discloses the general and specific outcomes of the data collection and analysis. It is evidenced by adequately labeled statistical and other tests. Results may be presented based on the organization or the research variables, or on the logic imposed by the research framework. A conclusion straightforwardly answers the research problem.

The Discussion section presents an evaluation and interpretation (or alternative interpretation) of the research outcomes, including those for extreme and unexpected findings. It explicates the statistical interactions and main effects, and acknowledges their (internal and external) validity limitations. Where appropriate, it revisits the literature and related studies in light of the new findings. Finally, it articulates vital implications and recommendations that ensure from the findings.

7.   The References, following the APA format. Lists all the materials actually cited in the article.

8.   A manuscript may also include: Author(s) note(s), Footnote(s), Table(s), Figure(s), and Appendix(s). Their format must adhere to the APA specifications. Each table (which may not have vertical rules) or figure (which may be an illustration, a diagram, a photograph, or a positive of a film or x-ray) must be on a separate sheet and properly captioned. A set of data may be presented only either as table or figure, not both. A table or figure must be comprehensible independently of, and must complement and not duplicate, the text.

9.   Each submission must consist of a soft copy (please send through electronic email:  and four print copies of the article addressed to the Editorial Board c/o Dr. Wilhelm P. Cerbo, West Visayas State University, La Paz, Iloilo City for editing and review of the referees.

10.                When a material is accepted for publication, it is agreed that the copyright belongs to the publisher.

11.                All manuscripts must be received by the Editorial Board not later than November 29, 2012.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quiz Bee Prizes

The following cash prizes (c/o Prof. Rhodora Cartagena) will be given to the winners

a.      Php5000-first prize

b.      Php3500-second prize

c.      Php2000-third prize

d.      Php500-cosolation prize for the fourth, fifth and sixth placers.


Election 2012 guidelines


in the Conduct of Election of Eight (8)

Board of Directors of MTAP – IC.


1.      Who shall preside. The Chairman of the Election Committee shall preside during the conduct of the election of the Board of directors.

2.      Manner of Nomination. Nomination may be done by filling up the nomination form and submitting it to the election committee. Only nominations forms duly signed/acknowledged by the nominee shall be entertained by the election committee.

3.      Who may be nominated.  Any active member of the Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines, Inc. Iloilo Chapter (MTAP-IC) present during the 4th Regional Convention duly registered as a participant may be nominated as long as he/she has not served as board  of director of the MTAP-IC for two (2) consecutive terms prior to his nomination.

4.      Presentation of the Nominees. Prior to casting of votes, nominees will be given at most one (1) minute for self-introduction.

5.      Manner of Voting. Registered participants of the convention shall be given a ballot where they could write the names of at most eight (8) nominees. Voting must be done secretly and the ballot must be dropped in the designated ballot box.

6.      Appreciation of ballots. As soon as casting of votes is closed, appreciation of ballots shall immediately start to determine the top eight (8) nominees with the most number of votes. In case of tie for the last positions, a run-off election shall be held immediately. In case the tie involves two nominees only for the 8th position, a toss coin shall be held to determine the 8th member of the Board of Directors.


                                                                                                                          The Election Committee


4th Regional Convention Programme

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Memo from DepEd-Iloilo City

Mathematics teachers of DepEd-Iloilo City, you may charge the registration fee in the 4th Regional MTAP-IC Convention against local fund.

Monday, October 8, 2012

2012 Regional Inter-tertiary Quiz Bee




The 3rd Regional Inter-tertiary Mathematics Quiz

Amigo Terrace Hotel, Iloilo City

October 19, 2012




College /University:
Year Level
I certify that the aforementioned information is correct.
Signature of President/Administrator/Dean Over Printed Name



Note: Submit/fax this entry form on or before October 18, 2012. You may email this form to



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2012 Regional Convention Documents

The CHEd endorsement
DepEd Endorsement

2012 MTAP-IC Regional Quiz Bowl


Iloilo City Chapter

MTAP 3rd Regional Quiz Bowl for Tertiary Students


1.     This is an individual contest.  Each school will send at most 3 contestants.

2.     The Mathematics quiz covers Basic Math, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics and Calculus.

3.     The contest is divided into three parts, namely: Easy Round, Average Round, and Difficult Round.  The table below shows the equivalent point/s for each question and the number of questions in each respective category.

No. of Questions

4.     The questions will be given either in multiple – choice form, identification and problem solving.

5.     Each contestant will be provided with cardboards to write their final answers and scratch papers.  On the cardboard, the contestant’s number is indicated. 

6.     The time limit for each question will be based on its difficulty.  The time limit will be mentioned before each question.  The question will be read twice.  The contestants are allowed to start answering while the question is read.  After the time allotted for each question expires, the contestants are asked to stop writing and raise their answers facing the Panel of Judges.  The quizmaster shall then publicly announce the answer and the Panel of Judges announce the contestants who got the correct answer.

7.     Complaints should be aired before the next question is read by the contestant or coach only.  The decision of the Panel of Judges is final, executor and irrevocable.

8.     Wrong spelling and illegible answers are considered wrong.  Final answers must be written legibly.

9.     At the end of each round, scores will be added together with the scores of the previous round. 

10.  At the end of the Difficult Round, scores from the previous two rounds will be added to the scores of the said Round.  The contestant with the highest score will be declared champion and the winner of the said quiz.  The second and the third highest score earners will be declared 1st and 2nd Runner-up respectively.

11.  If there is a tie, clincher questions will be given.  The first contestant who will gain point over the other shall be considered as the winner in the tie-breaker.

12.  Any violation of the aforementioned rules and regulations will result to the forfeiture of titles, prizes and privileges awarded to the contestant concerned.

2012 Regional Convention (Call for Papers)









“Coping with the Demands of the K-12 Math Curriculum”



            The Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines-Iloilo Chapter, Inc. (MTAP-IC, Inc.)  invites you to its 4th Annual Regional Convention which will be held on October 19, 20, and 21, 2012 at Amigo Terrace Hotel, Iznart Street, Iloilo City. The theme for this year’s convention is “Coping with the Demands of K-12 Math Curriculum.”


The Regional Convention is fully endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)-Region VI as well as the Department of Education (DepEd)-Region VI and will feature plenary talks, parallel sessions and presentations of papers of educators who have been doing research in mathematics teaching and learning.


            The sessions are designed to:

1.     update mathematics educators on innovations and trends in teaching mathematics; and

2.     create a venue for sharing effective mathematics teaching practices, materials, and methods.

            We are now accepting paper presentation proposals (M.I., thesis, dissertations) in the form of abstracts for the conference. Abstracts should have at most 300 words and must clearly state the problem being addressed, methodology, results, and implications. The heading should include the title of the paper, name of researcher(s), institution, postal address, email address, and contact number(s) of the author.


            Papers on teaching innovations, transformative teaching, instructional technology, and novel teaching strategies in mathematics are highly encouraged. Mathematics investigations are also accepted.


            The deadline for the submission of abstracts is on September 30, 2012. Proponents of accepted papers shall be notified on or before October 7, 2012. Soft copies of the extended abstract must be received no later than October 14, 2012.


            The extended abstract must be single-spaced, typed in 12-pt Times New Roman font, must not exceed 8 pages, and is in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) style of writing manuscripts. It must contain the rationale, statement of the problem, methodology, results and conclusions, and references. Deadlines will be strictly followed.


            You may e-mail the abstract to For further inquiries, please contact Dr. Harold F. Cartagena (09088965477), Prof. Alex J. Balsomo (09215657710) or Dr. Alona M. Belarga (09194000247).





            The convention fee of PhP 2,800.00 will cover four (4) snacks, two (2) lunch meals, convention kit and materials, certificate, and plenary speakers’ fees. A Php 200.00 discount will be availed by MTAP-IC, Inc. members for calendar year 2012.


            Payment may be made through direct bank deposit or cash payment.


            Cash payment may be paid to:

                        Mrs. Rhodora Cartagena

                        University of San Agustin

                        Iloilo City


            For bank deposit, deposit to the account:

                        Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines,

Iloilo Chapter (MTAP-IC), Inc.

                        Account No. 000780941942

                        Banco de Oro, SM City Iloilo Branch


            To ensure that the payment is credited to you, attach a copy of the deposit slip to the registration form.



October 19-21, 2012






Mailing Address:
Contact Number:
E-mail address:
Form of payment: (Please tick.)
 Bank Deposit             Direct Payment
What level of education is your concern? (Please tick.)
 Elementary             Secondary              Undergraduate            Graduate

Submit registration form to:

Dr. Alona M. Belarga, Mathematics Division,

West Visayas State University, La Paz, Iloilo City

 or email to


The registration form may be photocopied if more copies are needed.