Monday, November 12, 2012

The MTAP – IC Research Journal Submission Guidelines

Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines
Iloilo Chapter
c/o Dr. Alona M. Belarga
West Visayas State University
La Paz, Iloilo City

1.   The MTAP-IC Research Journal welcomes articles detailing qualitative and/or quantitative research on mathematics education, expositions on applications of mathematics education to various fields of endeavor, review of educational resources (print, multi-media, and so on), and reflections on teaching and learning mathematics.

2.   Manuscripts presented to MTAP – IC Research Journal should be double-spaced all throughout, left-justified, with 1 inch margin on every side, and printed using Arial 11 points on “8 1/2x11” bond paper. The MTAP – IC Research Journal generally adheres to the specifications of the fifth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001).

3.   Every research article must have all the following four major parts: (1) Title Page, (2) Abstract, (3) Body of the Report, and (4) References. Each part begins on a new page. Total number of pages must not exceed to 15 pages.

4.   The one-page Title Page contains the following:

The title of the articles in 12 words, mentioning the major variables or concepts of the research, centered on the line;

The author(s) and affiliation(s), centered on the line.

5.   The one-page Abstract, to contain 120 words in a single unindented paragraph, must mention the research problem, sample, method, findings, and conclusion (or even implication).

Three to ten key words that reflect the content of the manuscript should be provided.

6.   The Body of the Report, which starts as page 3, should have all the following four sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Method, (3) Results, and (4) Discussion. The entire text of the Body of the Report is written out continuously from the beginning to end, double-spaced, with only the respective section titles, centered on the line and serving as center heads, marking and transitions.

          The Introduction section states the researcher’s   objective/s, scope,
significance, and hypothesis. It also summarizes the literature and related studies. There is no need to place the word Introduction.

The Method section is brief but as detailed as to allow for independent replication of the entire research. It has three subsections which also serve as side-heads: (1) Participants or Source of Data, (2) Materials or Instruments, (3) Procedure for Data Collection and Analysis. These three subsections should be indicated for each variable in the study, and, further, for each phase of a multiple – phase research.

The Results section discloses the general and specific outcomes of the data collection and analysis. It is evidenced by adequately labeled statistical and other tests. Results may be presented based on the organization or the research variables, or on the logic imposed by the research framework. A conclusion straightforwardly answers the research problem.

The Discussion section presents an evaluation and interpretation (or alternative interpretation) of the research outcomes, including those for extreme and unexpected findings. It explicates the statistical interactions and main effects, and acknowledges their (internal and external) validity limitations. Where appropriate, it revisits the literature and related studies in light of the new findings. Finally, it articulates vital implications and recommendations that ensure from the findings.

7.   The References, following the APA format. Lists all the materials actually cited in the article.

8.   A manuscript may also include: Author(s) note(s), Footnote(s), Table(s), Figure(s), and Appendix(s). Their format must adhere to the APA specifications. Each table (which may not have vertical rules) or figure (which may be an illustration, a diagram, a photograph, or a positive of a film or x-ray) must be on a separate sheet and properly captioned. A set of data may be presented only either as table or figure, not both. A table or figure must be comprehensible independently of, and must complement and not duplicate, the text.

9.   Each submission must consist of a soft copy (please send through electronic email:  and four print copies of the article addressed to the Editorial Board c/o Dr. Wilhelm P. Cerbo, West Visayas State University, La Paz, Iloilo City for editing and review of the referees.

10.                When a material is accepted for publication, it is agreed that the copyright belongs to the publisher.

11.                All manuscripts must be received by the Editorial Board not later than November 29, 2012.