Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3rd Regional Math Investigation Seminar-Workshop

The Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines (MTAP)-Iloilo Chapter, Inc. will hold the 3rd REGIONAL MATHEMATICS INVESTIGATION SEMINAR-WORKSHOP (with introduction to Mathematical Modeling) on April 20, 21, and 27, 2013 at the CTE Building in West Visayas State University. For inquiries, contact seminar committee head Mr Kim Jay Encio at 09489672890 (Kimjay.encio@yahoo.com) or to MTAP-IC, Inc. president Dr. Herman Lagon at 09202294759 (hermanlagon1@gmail.com).

Monday, March 11, 2013

Infinity for Sale but free for MTAP-IC members

This newsletter is for sale. But if you have renewed your membership in MTAP-IC, this will be given to you for free. Contact the secretary, Dr. Rosemarie Galvez (09166507934; mtapiloilo@yahoo.com), or the assistant secretary, Mr. Kim Jay Encio (09982937878).

Be a member of  MTAP-IC and enjoy discounts in seminars and publications.
Infinity 2012 by Rosemarie Galvez