Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dr. Belarga invites math teachers to 2012 reg'l. convention

Good Day MTAP-IC Members. We will have our convention on October 19 to 21, 2012. All mathematics teachers (elem. secondary, tertiary) are invited to the convention. Pre-service teachers (4th year college math students) are invited on the second day of the convention. There will be also aTertiary Quiz Bowl in the morning of October 19, 2012 so if you have contestants, please infom MTAP BOD Prof. Alexander Balsomo who is the Chair of the Tertiary Quiz Bowl. MTAP-IC is also accepting papers for presentation during the parallel sessions. The convention Chair is Dr. Harold Cartagena. Our MTAP IC Newsletter, the Infinity, needs articles and for submission pls contact Dr. Herman Lagon, the editor in chief of the newsletter. Details of all our activities as well as CHEd and DEpEd endorsements will be posted soon. Please inform your friends and math co- teachers about our October activity. Thank you. See you.

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